How to Tell If Your Hair is Real Human Virgin Hair?

When u wash ur hair everyday,if there is black dye coming out,then ur hair do not use the real virgin hair material,even if some companies say that they sell the virgin hair,but in fact it is not the real virgin hair.U can see that there are many many brands online say their hair is virgin hair with the high price,but do u know which is the real virgin hair?

What is the real virgin hair?

We all know that virgin hair is the cuticle hair,which means the cuticles is in the same direction.Virgin hair do not been processed with any chemical processing,it also do not been permed,colored,restyled and so on.and virgin hair is the best hair in the market,besides,virgin hair is natural black or brown color.

How to tell the real and the fake virgin hair?

First,to see the hair color,Virgin hair material come from the young donors,which is natural black or brown color,mostly it will be medium brown and lighter then 1B,If u can see grey hair in the hair,it is normal,which can show it do not been processed.

Second,test the hair grade and the hair texture.

Virgin hair will not so silky or straight ,it will have a little oarser texture.Non-virgin hair is generally subjected to chemical straightener coating, which will give the hair a silky appearance.Run ur fingers through the hair,u can have a feeling of that coating.

Third,do the flame test,Use some strands hair that u bought,then burn it,u will see the fake virgin hair will be easily flammable and will produce a big flame,but the real virgin hair,it will be smoke,and it will not have a big flame.

The most important is to be a wet test,the virgin hair can keep its natural wavy patterns or natural culrs when it is wet.

Now do u know how to make the difference between the real and fake virgin hair?

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